5 Note Ajnas

5 Note Ajnas

Posted on: 8/25/2022 7:49:49 AM

Jins ‘Ajam - Root jins of the Maqam ‘Ajam Family

Jins ‘Ajam has two versions:

The 5-note version of Jins ‘Ajam is the most common version and is the first jins in Maqam ‘Ajam and Maqam Shawq Afza. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G.

The 3-note version of Jins ‘Ajam occurs mostly when it is used as a secondary jins, for example on the 6th scale degree of Maqam Bayati, Maqam Saba or Maqam Kurd. This version is a carry over from Maqam ‘Ajam ‘Ushayran. It is notated here with its tonic on B♭.

Jins ‘Ajam Murassa‘ - A variation of Jins ‘Ajam with a raised 4th

Jins ‘Ajam Murassa‘ is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on F and its ghammaz on C. Jins ‘Ajam Murassa‘ is not part of any maqam scale and usually occurs as a modulation from Jins ‘Ajam.

Jins Athar Kurd - A combination of Jins Kurd and Jins Nikriz

Jins Athar Kurd is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G. Jins Athar Kurd is the first jins in Maqam Athar Kurd.

Jins Jiharkah- A 5-note Jins

Jins Jiharkah is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on F and its ghammaz on C. The 3rd and 4th degrees are usually played lower than notated. Jins Jiharkah is the first jins in Maqam Jiharkah.

Jins Nahawand - Root jins of the Maqam Nahawand Family

Jins Nahawand is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G. Jins Nahawand is the first jins in Maqam Nahawand.

Jins Nikriz - Root jins of the Maqam Nikriz Family

Jins Nikriz is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G. Jins Nikriz is the first jins in Maqam Nikriz and Maqam Nawa Athar.

Jins Rast - Root jins of the Maqam Rast Family

Jins Rast is a widely popular 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G. Jins Rast is the first jins in Maqam Rast, Maqam Suznak, and other maqamat in the Maqam Rast Family.

Jins Sazkar - A variation of Jins Rast with a raised 2nd

Jins Sazkar is a 5-note jins. It is notated here with its tonic on C and its ghammaz on G. Jins Sazkar is the first jins in Maqam Sazkar.

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